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Search Results for: action potential

Resting potential

Resting Potential Definition The resting potential of a cell is defined as the difference in electrical potential across... Read More

Inhibitory postsynaptic potential

Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potential Definition An inhibitory postsynaptic potential is a type of synaptic potential. It is... Read More


Depolarization is the removal of polarity by a process or action. It might also be used to describe how such activity leads... Read More

Axon hillock

Axon Hillock Definition What is axon hillock? If you are familiar with the different parts of the neuron, the axon hillock... Read More

Neural Control Mechanisms

Nerve cells called neurons generate electric signals that pass from one end of the cell to another and release chemical... Read More

Action potential

Definition noun A short-term change in the electrical potential on the surface of a cell (e.g. a nerve cell or muscle cell)... Read More

Biotic potential

When we look at the different forms of life, we often wonder how they have continued to exist one generation after another.... Read More


What Is Axon? An axon is a thin, long fiber of a nerve cell (or neuron). It transmits electrical impulses from the cell... Read More

Generation of resting membrane potential

Stephen H. WrightDepartment of Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85724... Read More


Muscle cells are specialized to generate force and movement. There are three types of muscle tissue: (1) skeletal muscle,... Read More


Sarcolemma Definition What is the sarcolemma? It is the thin, transparent, extensible plasma membrane of the muscle cell.... Read More


Dendrite Definition Dendrites are the protoplasmic projections from the neuron cells that receive the electrochemical... Read More

Nervous tissue

Nervous Tissue Definition Nerve cells (or neurons) and their associated cells, such as neuroglia cells, make up nervous... Read More


Myocardium Definition What is the myocardium of the heart?  It is the muscular middle layer of the heart that is... Read More

Subliminal stimulus

Definition noun, plural: subliminal stimuli (physiology) A stimulus inadequate to generate an action potential and thereby... Read More

Smooth muscle

The smooth muscle can be described as a type of muscle in the human body that is non-striated and involuntary in action.... Read More

Excitatory postsynaptic potential

Definition noun A type of postsynaptic potential where the binding of neurotransmitters with the postsynaptic receptors... Read More

Sensory Systems

A sensory system is a part of the nervous system consisting of sensory receptors that receive stimuli from the internal and... Read More


Definition noun The process or act of making the membrane potential of a cell more negative Supplement Hyperpolarization is... Read More

Axon terminal

An axon terminal is any of the button-like endings of axons through which axons make synaptic contacts with other nerve... Read More


Blood Blood is composed of a liquid, plasma, and blood cells such as erythrocytes (red blood cells,) leukocytes (white... Read More


Homeostasis is the tendency not to stray from the range of favorable or ideal internal conditions. Such conditions must be... Read More

Positive feedback

Positive Feedback Definition Each mechanism of the body like temperature, blood pressure, and levels of specific nutrients... Read More


Definition noun The process or act of repolarizing; the restoration of a polarized condition Supplement In physiology,... Read More

Involuntary muscle

A muscle act typically either under the control of the will or without conscious control. Muscles that can be controlled at... Read More

Decremental conduction

Definition noun The impaired conduction in a portion of a fiber due to progressively lessening response of the unexcited... Read More

Endoplasmic reticulum

Endoplasmic Reticulum Definition The endoplasmic reticulum is a membrane-bound organelle in cells of eukaryotic cells... Read More

Concentration gradient

What is a concentration gradient? A gradient is a measure of how steep a slope is. Thus, a concentration gradient would be... Read More


Definition noun, plural: microelectrodes An electrode with a tip having dimensions of the order of one micrometer, thereby... Read More


Photosynthesis is a physio-chemical process carried out by photo-auto-lithotrophs by converting light energy into chemical... Read More


overshoot 1. Generally, any initial change, in response to a sudden step change in some factor, that is greater than the... Read More

Generator potential

Definition noun A graded response to a stimulus, or a graded depolarization induced in the terminal of a sensory receptor,... Read More

Myelinated nerve

Definition noun A nerve cell in which the axon is surrounded by a layer of Schwann cell membranes of myelin... Read More

Nerve impulse

Definition noun (1) The movement of action potential along a nerve fiber in response to a stimulus (such as touch, pain,... Read More

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

Definition noun plural: sarcoplasmic reticula (cell biology) The special type of smooth endoplasmic reticulum found in... Read More

Myelinated neuron

Definition noun A neuron in which the axon is enveloped by a layer of Schwann cell membranes (sheath). Supplement The myelin... Read More

Efferent neuron

Definition noun, plural: efferent neurons A neuron with an axon that carries nerve impulses peripherally, and innervates... Read More


Have you ever wondered how the fats from butter, cheesy burgers, and pizzas get digested in your body? Or have you heard of... Read More


Definition noun (general) The condition of polarity (biology) The process or act of producing positive and negative... Read More

Actions of Caffeine in the Brain with Special Reference to Factors That Contribute to Its Widespread Use

IV. Actions of Caffeine on Brain Functions and BehaviorHaving discussed the molecular and neuronal actions of caffeine,... Read More